A play date with our beautiful brown-eyed babies
written by Sandra Sabine Gollor
Puppies are like chocolates. One is never enough. Puppies make our hearts melt. Dog lovers and puppies go together like peanut butter and jelly.
So much cuteness, but taking care of a bundle of joy is a lifetime commitment. Puppies require discipline, exercise and an unconditional love through sickness and health, in good times and bad, for the life of the dog.
Our five fur balls were born on April 27th and have already grown into tiny athletes. Always together, never apart. They are inseparable, and spend their days cuddling, playing, and napping. They are as close as siblings can be. It is our responsibility to make sure they grow up in an environment that is safe and to give them a happy, healthy and balanced home.
This litter consists of three brothers, Arrluk, Nanuq and Ataneq, and their sisters Tikaani and Mishka. To honor the Eskimo heritage we chose names inspired by the Inuit language. Each name has a special meaning.
Arrluk means killer whale. The name suits his appearance, his fur is black with white markings on the side of his eyes.
Nanuq means polar bear. He fits the name perfectly.
Ataneq means king dog. He already lives up to his name. He likes to think he is the boss of the other dogs.
Tikaani means wolf. She looks just like a wolf.
Mishka means little bear. She is so sweet and loves to snuggle.
Summer is a great time for hiking with our puppies. We hit the trails regularly. It is our way to bond, exercise, and burn off energy. Our adventure buddies enjoy exhilarating treks in the great outdoors. We give our puppies the freedom to explore and interact with a whole new world. They work out how to handle unfamiliar terrain and discover small challenges they have to overcome, such as stream crossings or running in high grass fields. Obstacles they successfully encounter are things they will be confident encountering for the rest of their lives.
Puppies love being with the people they trust and respect, and by investing our time in them we create affectionate, friendly, intelligent and athletic sled dogs.
At six months, it will be time to start training the future champions. Huskies are born to run. They act on their natural instinct to explore. We will learn them how to work in harness, how to run with the team and to follow instructions. They will be comfortable, mentally and physically, to go across creeks, cross a frozen lake and work in deep snow.
But life is happening to us right now: in the here-and-now. So we let them be little, cause they are only that way for a while.